After a daring getaway helped by some new allies I've once again started my campaign to recruit allies to facilitate my plans for world domination...
...Punkapocalyptics 'Black Blood Children' and some mercenaries having helped with my getaway have joined the cause. The mercenaries seemed familiar for some reason and there were so many Black Blood Children I had to meet up with one lot of them here and the rest here...
...after that I wasted no time in sneaking back through the breach to Malifaux where I started negotiations with the Akaname, Mounted Guards, Will o' the Wisps and the Yokai...
...after which the Ten Thunders were kind enough to let me use their breach back to earth just in time to have a look around Salute 2017 in London. There I encountered an interesting offshoot of Devils Runs Britattack called 'The Questing Knights' though they were a bit busy dealing with some of the Hunters faction who were seeking Reapers Revenge... weeks plan is a bit fluid at the moment as I hope to play both sides against the middle and recruit both the Outlaws and Lawmen from Wild West Exodus and acquire a new vehicle from one of the Devils Run factions... long as I avoid recapture for a few weeks that is...
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.