Hello Readers, I hope I can still use these in 8th Edn!! These have been sitting around for ages, (read: since DV was released!) and I never thought about using them in game, but after a number of games where I forget rules, moves etc. I thought maybe some of the counters could actually be of use. There were a lot of tokens that do not add much or are repeated with similar tokens - Shaken/Stunned for instance.
Falling Back / Disorganised Charge - I think these can actually be of use, denoting what Units are falling back or are carrying out a disorganised charge? I'll probably use as Falling Back.
Weapon Destroyed - Often forgot unless I can physically remove the turret, so these will definitely be useful.
Vehicle Destroyed - Often I place destroyed vehicles upside down or on side, but rules wise they should just stay in position and some aerials are at risk of breaking if put upside down, so a Destroyed counter could be of use.
Immobilized - Simple and effective reminder for vehicles and Dreadnoughts. saves putting a dice next to it which can be confused with Hull Points.
Crew Shaken/Stunned/Jinked - I refrained from painting up another four with single shaking lines, so the counter will be enough to jog the memory of which it applies to. I see its usefulness as a reminder about Jinking Flyers and Bikes too.
And finally, the most useful and have always been using since I saw it, which made me think I could paint up some more eventually, the Turn Counter - I use this every game and useful for photos too, to remind me what photo comes from what Turn when writing up Batreps. I magnetized the arrow so it rotates. Simple and effective.
There you have it, I think they look great, much better and clearer than the bright gauss-green counters you get stock. And no blending, highlighting or washing, so a simple effective paint scheme brings these to life and usefulness.  Thanks for checking out the blog, cheers - Siph.