The very first post of this blog was posted on 4/26/2011. It was called Genesis and it humbly laid out a vision for the intent of this blog; A footnote version of a manifesto if you will. Strangely I posted on the 26th of April (Celestial Lions-kill-team-part-6) but I was oblivious that it was the blog's birthday.

Over time we have all witnessed other blogs do give-aways of some sort to commemorate an anniversary for their blog, but I never seem to either remember or notice when the anniversary comes and goes for my own. This time I decided I am going to make an exception and in doing so also acknowledge the 30th birthday of Warhammer 40k as well:


"Win me!!!"

Recently I won an ebay auction on a bunch of late '90's era metal marines. In that batch was another model very similar to the marine featured in Celestial Lions Kill Team Part 6. At first I thought I would use him with either my Ultra Marines or Death Watch as I have no intentions on expanding the Celestial Lions past the current Kill Team and Land Speeder, but I was unsure. When I realized the 6th year anniversary of this blog was here it occurred to me what I could do...

So here it is:

  • Write a comment* below and tell us what your favorite** post was from the Neverness Hobby Chronicle over the past 6 years. (Be a sport, don't say it's this one!). Just a title will do.
  • After a week, I will tally up*** the comments and randomly select a winner. Only one comment per person will count towards the tally.
  • The lucky winner will win the armless Space Marine in the 1st pic above.
  • The winner and I will correspond and we will figure out what we will do with it. You can either have the miniature "as is" or tell me how you would like it painted (i.e. Howling Griffins, Dark Angels, Black Nova Marines, Blood Monkeys etc.) 
  • If you have me paint it I will provide weapons, backpack, arms and the base. If you want it "as is" you will not get these.
  • I will showcase the progress of the project on this blog of course, which I hope will be entertaining for everyone.
  • When you can expect it will depend on how soon I complete it, but I assure you it will be before this Blog's 7th anniversary. If you want it "as is" then you'll get it way sooner.
  • It will cost you nothing but time and patience as I will cover shipping and, of course, the miniature will be free for the winner. 
  • So get to it, comment now! 
Go for it, you know you want it. 

*If for some unfathomable reason you can not post a comment you may message me privately and I will post for you. Posts must appear on THIS post to count.

** OK, fine: least hated.

***If I know you personally (we message on FB, you have my phone number, etc.) you will be excluded from the tally to remove any sense of bias. However, feel free to join the fun and to comment regardless. And if you really want me to paint a marine for you, you know how to just ask me. :)