Ever since last Fall, a group of Edmonton hobbyists and gamers has been meeting in my basement once a month to paint, build models and play games. These sessions have been audio captured, and are up on YouTube as the Painting is a 4-Letter Word series, here.

Our meeting in May was not recorded, but I did take some photos.

Here, Ward is showing off some of his new 28mm 40K cars. Totally sweet.

He spent the night painting an infinity model. Mostly working on the blue layering.

Mike was working on his Dwarves for Blood Bowl.

Barry is always working on Blood Bowl. A Goblin this evening.

Blood Bowl was the theme at this session. Tom was working on his Orc team.

On the other hand, I was working on weathering some armoured containers for Shadow War: Armageddon.

I've fallen behind on posting new Painting is a 4-Letter Word audio recordings. Something I hope to remedy this weekend.

'Til next time.