Just like in the original Double Trouble, the painting competition at DT2 was split into four categories with £50 worth of Element Games vouchers up for grabs: Best Painted Army (£15), Best Conversions (£15), Best Painted Character (£10) and Best Painted Vehicle or Monster (£10). Players could only enter one category so it was up to them to decide which one to enter to give them the best chance of winning.

Today I'll cover the Best Army and Best Conversions entries. Much better pictures this year as we weren't playing in a cave like last year. Still, apologies as ever for the picture quality. I have to dash out and take these between entering scores and trying to eat lunch!

Best Army
There were five entries for Best Army. First up Thomas Capper's Blood Angels (1 vote):

Next we have Cal Goodger's Iron Warriors (1 vote):

In third place, Peter Barrett's Alpha Legion (2 votes):

A surprise (to me at least) runner up, Dave Weston's awesome Ravenwing (9 votes):

The overall winner was Jack Turner's Ryza Cult Mechanicus force (14 votes):

Best Conversions
Just three entries here. First up Kai-Uwe Müller-Joswig's Wulfen (1 vote):

In second place Matt Calow's Legiones (7 votes):

Finally, in first place and a thoroughly deserved winner, Ian Connolly's incredible work on his Top Gun inspired Ork Army (19 votes):

Some stunning and inspirational stuff there. Come back tomorrow for the entries in the single miniature categories. If you want to keep track of developments with the event and find out when the next one will be then join the Double Trouble group on Facebook.