Or as we might put it these days: “Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria”. That’s what the Fellowship of the Ring found written on his tomb when they entered the Chamber of Mazarbul, also known as the Chamber of Records. And while I do agree with Gimli that this is quite a mournful tragedy, no one bats an eye for poor Ori who was a great character of Thorin’s company aswell. Contrary to Balin he wasn’t even entombed.

Well as dramatic as the setting of this chapter of the Lord of the Rings is, today’s post is a celebration for me. It all started in April 2016 with Frodo and Sam. As I tried to keep up the order of appearance in the movie Gandalf followed during the same month. Pippin and Merry succeeded a month later in May 2016. Then there came a break, most likely due to a lack of motivation / lack of interest for LotR stuff as I was occupied with other miniatures. But Aragorn did follow eventually in January 2017. Another break was taken and Boromir was the next one in line in early June 2017. Both Legolas and Gimli followed during the same month one after another. The finish line so close at hand the diorama base was also painted during June 2017 and the project came to an end.

Of course this was just a smaller project and it only took 14 months yet finishing a project is always a great feeling of success. And it certainly does not lead to a lack of projects at all. In fact I think it is safe to say that I usually start two new for one finished project. The next logical step is of course Thorin and Company.

Regarding the finished Fellowship of the Ring I’d say I am pretty pleased with the result. The bases do not match the diorama base, aye. But you have to understand that I would like to field these miniatures some day and I just prefer classic bases on them.

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring

I never painted a Games Workshop logo before.

I never painted a Games Workshop logo before.

Painting the names was not necessary, methinks.

Painting the names was not necessary, methinks.

Poor Ori who never liked green food.

Poor Ori who never liked green food.