Hi everyone

So for the last unit of my Viking Force, I have gone off a slight tangent.  After painting over 30 vikings, I really do not want to paint any more beardy Sandinavians. So what was I going to do?
Well, as it turns out I was watching the Vikings TV show when an idea hit me.  During one of the battles I saw several viking women fighting and I said to myself - I might be bored of beardy men but certainly not tall pretty blondes!

I had several viking women from Foundry Miniatures  and one from Hasslefree Miniatures. This was just enough to make a decent unit of Shield Maidens that I could use as my third warrior unit for Saga!

Initially I had bought 8 Vikings with spears as my third unit, but I promptly sold them off and started work on these little beauties.

Now I am no prude, but I felt that I could not field these little gems as is.  Since I would be playing in front of children certain times I felt uncomfortable with the nudity on the models.

Just so we are clear,  I am not against nudity in sculpture, especially if it is in good taste and serves to elevated the human form, but I don't think miniature wargaming in a community with children around is the place for topless Viking maidens - even if they are mean women who suffer no fools!

So I have to dress them up. I also wanted to change some of the weapons and add some helmets and shields.  For this I went on Ebay and bought a sprue from one of the plastic Dark Age box sets.
Foundry shields are very bulky and two heavy as a product for these figures in my opinion.  If I don't manage to mount the shields, I will opt for these plastic shields.

So join me next week as I start my last voyage into the second and last phase of my viking project.

Until then farewell and good health to everyone.
