Hi everyone

In this post I tackle some of the sculpting and modeling to some of the shield maidens.  The idea is to cover up some of the nudity in the models. 
As I mentioned in the last post, I am not a prude or a puritan when it comes to little tin men or women,, but I just don't feel comfortable playing in front of children (yeah, maybe I am a bit prudish)

With the first two miniatures starting from the left all I had to do was add chainmail to the bare areas.  This is a very straight forward process involving a sawed off hypodermic needle.

The third mode was a bit more demanding but the most enjoyable to work on.  The model is from the old Nymph range from Foundry Miniatures.  The first thing I did was cut of the legs and half of the head and added leggings and a helmet.

The second step is to add the basic clothes to the model starting with the belt.  The lower legs come from the dark age plastic sprue in the previous post.

Unfortunately due to time restrictions I will have to cut this part of the post into two, but join me next week as I continue on the last few steps of my Viking journey. Until then farewell and good health.
