For years, I have wished somebody would make good Chaos gear for Rhinos, Predators, Land Raiders and well everything. Somebody finally made them!

I think the "Just add spikes" approach is lazy. Forge World once had the extra armor kits, but seems to have gotten out of the 40k traitor business, which is a shame.

Nowadays, what's a heretic astartes to do? I know: call the Dark Works and check out their stuff ...

As you can see, they offer some pretty great products for making your vehicles more Chaotic, from the rhino trim kit way up top to the awesome predator armorpictured just above (I am ordering three of those!). I haven't ordered anything yet, but these were recommended by Git, an artist we have featured here many times. Here is a link to his awesome thread.

They also offer tracks for all the vehicles sizes with Chaos patterns on them. No more scraping eagles off our treads ... hell, let's be honest, we just left them there.

So right now, the Dark Works is out of stock, but he said he isn't out of business, just delayed. Maybe we can create a need that pulls him back to his manufactorum to crank out some sweet kits (daddy needs a new set of preds!). Here is a link to The Dark Works! Check out his work and let him know what you think.