Again and again the binaric cant resolved itself in the corner of the helmet lens of Ro-Lep Sigma. Again and again the binaric cant resolved itself in the audio receptors in that same metallic dome  as a roar of vengeance.
Again and again the war horns sounded.

Bolstered by the power of the machine Ro-Lep felt something unacustomed to one of his kind, Pride!
Emotion was something in short supply amongst the Skitarii Contingent of Mezoa. However as the Red sheened Knights of House Hermetika positioned themselves around his cohort in defiance of the Eldar host facing them, the almost too human emotion of pride was the only thing he could equate the odd chemical imbalance in his brain to.

These weren't the walkers of the Titan legions, the God-Engines of Mars, no these were something more primal. Closer to the man he once was, in his humble (though possibly illogical) assessment the Knight Warriors were a perfect amalgam of machine and a single man.

Gleaming red for the Glory of the Machine-God and silver for the metal of Mezoa they rose above the Skitarii ranks. This unaccustomed pride at being able to fight alongside these Avatars of the Machine made him do the unthinkable, he took a knee and joined in the cant:


The Knights of House Hermetika are my first attempt at painting with an airbrush and I am surprised by the outcome. I used the techniques in the Forgeworld Horus Heresy Masterclass book. I slightly modified some of the techniques to fit with the look I wanted and overall very happy. Some of the techniques are almost counterintuitive but are super effective, I highly recommend the book.

Finally though in to all those detail pictures I have been promising for ages! First up we have the glorious Knight Atrapos "Terminalibus Gravitas" (Terminal Gravity) striding over the fallen corpse of the enemy.

The purple effect on the giant lascutter was remarkable simple, just light silver with a Forgeworld Eidolon purple sprayed over the top, the green of the Gravition cannon was done in the same way but with the Mortarion green brushed in to the recesses.

Next is the Questoris Knight Magaera "Fulgar Scientia" (Science of Lightning) patrolling the workshops of Mezoa. Painted in the same vein as the Atrapos with a limited pallet of reds and metallics and Games Workshop gem paints on the lenses.

Next is the Questoris Knight Styrix "Maligni Indicies" (Indices of Malevolence) joining its fellow knights in patrolling the workshops of Mezoa.

Finally we have the Knight Warden "Rationes Exitium" (Calculations of Destruction) joining its fellow knights in patrolling the workshops of Mezoa.

Armed with the Nelanton pattern rapid fire pattern battle cannon and gatling cannon the fire power from the "Exitium" is enough to make even the toughest foes think twice before advancing.

The bases used for these models are the Secret Weapon Scrapyard bases, all have been modded in some way to increase the variety and hopefully help tie the forces together.