I have been busy all this week painting Poxwalkers for the Konor Campaign (every little bit counts). I have finished off 60 of them this week, bringing my total of painted poxwalkers to 90 ... meaning 40 more to go.

I will be taking a break from them for now though so I can get some Bloat Drones painted, more bloat drones converted and painted and I want to get my new Typhus conversion painted too. Let's take a look at the poxwalkers and how I split the squads.

The yellow squad was also the first squad I started painting. I wanted to test really loud colors of greens and pinks on the skin and then see where it went from there.

I don't think the loud skin was terrible, but it wasn't something I wanted to see 100 times on the table, so I toned it down on the next few crews.

The orange (and later Purple squad) used a toned-down skin approach like Duncan's. Also note that I came in later and put some powder on the land of the bases to tie them to Yellow squad.

The Orange and Purple squads also have a few zombies actually knee deep in the toxic swamp water around their bases! This idea came from Chris Vinton who said it would look cool on a display board if they were walking into the swamp and even said the display could show some that are deeper - to a level you wouldn't want on a game piece. I like the idea, so I left the option open.

A pitty orange orange highlights don't come out in photos.

Purple squad is purple, lololol.

All together and mixed up, I think the effect is pretty nice. I made tiny tweeks to many of them, so they don't look totally alike. I was worried it was too little, but when they are in crowds, nobody really notices, especially when my army includes some huge, distracting models!

Let me know what you think or what questions you have.