Blogger seems to hate my ipad!

It locks up when I try to add pictures....doh!


I've been in Alaska a bit over a week... my stuff won't get here until sometime in October.... double Doh!

I have to say some good words about a couple of companies that were very helpful when moving this time.

Reaper Miniatures:

Their customer service rep tracked my Bones III package for me and it arrived just before I packed out of my house in Romania.  I did a quick inventory of the box and discovered I was missing a couple of Frost Giants and a couple of boxes of paint.  Customer service took my list and held it for me until my new address became available.  That package arrived today!  So I now have a couple of models and a few paints while I wait for the rest the studio to arrive!  Bravo! And thanks!

Atenociti's Workshop:

Jed and Nadine did a great job chasing me through my many address changes and delivered the Forward Base KS to the office... since my house was invisible to maps!

Then they coordinated with me to hold my Fast Panda and Undertown pledges until the new address was available... they are shipping those now... zoom zoom!  I'm really excited to see these and, again, thanks for bearing with me through the moves!

Atlantis Minatures:

Did a great job helping me out by put a hold on my ks pledge and adding to it!


These guys are always great! They are the consistently fastest responders to email amd are very flexible.  Always a pleasure to deal with and they sometimes suggest unusual solutions!

Raging Heroes:

The Raging Heroes team really helped us out over the past year.  When we moved to Romania they sent packages to our Hotel when we got stuck there for two months!  They held a bunch of our TGG 2 stuff until this address became active and that is on its way here as we speak!

Also... when I talked to them in advance of the move it was looking like the Warstages KS was going to launch while we were in transit from Romania to Alaska... They assured me it wouldn't launch while I was traveling and unable to participate!  I don't know if they really adjusted their timing or not but I believe they did! Thanks Mireille, Benoit, and the whole RH team for your amazing support of us during this entire series of wicked fast moves of house! Zoom zoom zoom!