Two more chaos thugs, the musician and champion, join the warband today, bringing the compliment of thugs for the warband to five. That's all I need for now, but I very much doubt I'm done painting Khorne flavoured thugs.

Are here is the champion for the group of thugs. I've had this mini for a while, and I'm glad I found a project for him. I love this model, he's super cool with that massive spear and skull helmet, and incredibly dynamic. His spear is perfect for Age of Sigmar, it's bleedin' huge. It is Ares' dream to run that spear clear through one of those stuck up stormcast, hence his nickname. I look forward to realising Ares' dream on the gaming table.

I painted Ares' cloak similarly to the undercity werewolf I did a couple of years ago. I know the skull isn't a wolf skull, but who cares. Not I sir!

Gorn here is a later release, the only Khorne thug musician I know of. He has a haunted drumstick. What, you thought only axes, swords and armour get possessed by daemons? Gorn used his big skull drum to work up his buddies into a frenzy in a manner similar to a guy hammering out a brutal guitar solo at a death metal concert. That's what daemon drumsticks do for you.

With these lads done the warband is half way there. Next up, a geriatric bloodletter.