Here are four more pictures of the miniatures for the new Tau Empire book from Dakkadakka. They include shots of the Tau Riptide, the new Flyers, the Pathfinders and a new (?) Farsight.

Take a look and let me know what you think!

Oh, btw, rumours have it that the Codex Author is Jeremy Vetock.

#1 – Tau Riptide Suit

Warhammer 40K New Tau Riptide Suit

Tau Riptide Suit

Another shot of the Tau Riptide Suit

#2 – Tau Flyers Overhead Shot

Warhammer 40K New Tau Empire Flyers

Overhead Shot of the new Tau Flyers

#3 – Tau Pathfinders and Drones

Warhammer 40K New Tau Miniatures Pathfinders and Drones

Tau Pathfinders and Drones

#4 – Commander Farsight

Warhammer 40K New Commander Farsight Redone

Commander Farsight

I am surprised to see Commander Farsight getting a make-over, especially if he remains/will be redone in Finecast (?).

Still, good to see some work being done there.

What do you think? Did the new pics (still a bit crappy, admittedly) give you a better impression? Change your opinions?

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