One thing that I do have to say about the deathwatch... I may cry over their points cost when I am looking at how few boots on the ground I have, but on the flip side, it makes for a quick army to paint... especially combined with a) simple colour scheme and b) my admittedly rather basic level of painting... but hey, I'm happy to call these done!

At the time of the first battle report, from a week and a half ago, I had 6 troopers and one vehicle painted. I have now completed the army... plus Artemis, who isn't in the army, but a nice model and it's nice to have options...

So that's 2130 points, in a little over two weeks. Not bad if I do say so myself...

As I said, they're to a fairly basic standard, I'm no pro painter, but it's a painted army and I'm happy with it.

Clearly still tacking the "as different to orks as possible" line, my projected next thousand points (we've always liked to play bigger games with more toys at my club, and now we're getting used to 8th can see this being the same) is only looking like 12 infantry (Inc 2 characters) and one more vehicle, plus adding back in a few of the upgrades I originally had in this list till I realised I had shot past my 2k target!

Finally, in other news, recently a friend who used to blog has been drawn back into the hobby by the joy of 8th. And another friend who never lost the love of the hobby but certainly had some restrictions to his hobby time has found time to blog again. Critically, these are two of the three people who joined me for my first, and best, tale of gamers. Every one since then has been an effort to recreate the joy of the first, but has always failed to live up to it, through people enthusiastically signing up, then slipping away. At one point one of my tales had 15 people signed up. I ended the tale halfway through because the only one keeping to the requirements even remotely was me.

So, we chased up the third, another who hasn't left the hobby but does have less time. He's game for a rerun. It'll be a closed session this time. Getting the band back together. You'll be able to read about it, but not participate I'm afraid. We've all got other things on the go right now to finish off, so we'll be starting in the new year. I'll put some details of the plan out closer to the time. We've already got vague ideas for who is doing what army and how the sides will stack up against each other. And am I orks again? No. I have done several tribes, and will do more, but not for this. For this, I fancy a change...

In the meantime, the boys are back in town...