Like an old, rusty classic car, restoring a cheap eBay or trade forum model can be immensely satisfying. This week I've been fixing up a Rhino apc which needed a lot of tlc...

The tank arrived via post in a bit of a mess. The paint was thick and gunky, there were random bits glued on it, and it hadn't been built very well.

Luckily, it had been glued together with what must have been either a glue gun or a pritt stik, and it came apart with ease. I had it down to its base components within minutes.

Now began the task of replacing parts and covering the damage. Luckily I had a Blood and Skulls rhino conversion kit laying around, waiting for its shining moment. The hideous front plate was replaced with the clean, heresy-esque plate from the conversion set.

The sides were also modified. This conversion set does require a bit of hacking at the original plasticto fit properly, but it is pretty convincing, especially now the tank has a uniform primer colour.

As this tank is for my Tzaangor unit, I wanted it to be laden with trophies from various battles. I've chained down an eviscerator and hotshot lasgun to the roof, which has the added benefit of covering some of the mess. The remaining damage will be worked into the paint scheme.

The front is a bit more elaborate, featuring the skeleton of an Imperial hero, an arbite or captain of some description.

As this is for a unit that is known to steal anything shiny, I am of two minds if it should be painted in the Thousand Sons scheme, or another army's colours with tzeentchian grafitti (maybe blood ravens for the irony). In either case it will be an effective addition to the squad, allowing them to travel much faster towards a good, vicious close combat.