8th edition has rekindled my interest in 40K so I am getting out all my old models and tarting them up a bit. This is one of my chaos collections.
I enjoy putting together small 40K armies and giving them a back story. Somehow it seems much more fun than putting together a killer army. I guess that’s why I play narrative rather than competitive games.

Anyway, here is a small balanced Khorne force.

Chaos Lord in terminator armour – 6pts
Exalted Champion – 5 pts

15 Khorne Berserkers – 13pts
20 Beastmen (cultists) – 6pts

Fast Attack
2 Chaos Spawn – 4 pts

Heavy Support
Forge Fiend – 9pts

Hell Blade – 8pts
Hell Talon – 12pts

Total: 63 pts

In tactical terms the idea is that the Forge Fiend is fire support for what is primarily a close support army. The aerospace assets are there to tie down a defensive line and keep them occupied while the troops move up. The Beastmen are a tarpit and objective holding force. I expect the Berserkers and Spawn to do the actual attacking.


Malo the Impaler

Sgt Maluock of the Iron Hands 1stcompany lost control and slaughtered a detachment of the 73 Zillian Fusiliers who failed to advance dooming his squad of Space Marines, impaling their Colonel and mounting him on his armour. He turned to the worship of Khorne, making an unholy pact with the Seamless Dark Mechanicum Forge World – souls for Daemon engines.

Currently he leads Bloodfist’s Warband of Brazen Gladiators, Donna Bella and her Beastmen cultists, and two Spawn. His warband is supported by three daemon engines – a Forge Fiend, a Hell Talon and a Hell Blade.