Warlord Games mid week article, feature and release round-up...

Alessio Cavatore introduces the action packed Tank war supplement for Bolt Action. Roll into battle with Platoons of 3 or more tanks this weekend!

Tank War FREE PDF !

FREE Tank War PDF - You read that title correctly! To celebrate Tank Fest, we're releasing Tank War as a FREE downloadable PDF for this month only!
Tank War: Battle of Arracourt 19 to 30 September 1944. Discover one of the largest armoured engagements on the Western Front.

Must End Soon!

Happy Birthday Warlord!

Come celebrate our 10th birthday in a whopping 2-day extravaganza of activities, seminars and participation games, plus more to come!
You can now watch Blood Red Skies in action! We have a full video of gameplay so you can see for yourself how the dogfights above the English Channel will play!
The Gate Builders share new army selectors, units, characters and vehicles Here is a quick guide to their favourite new units and lists from the new book.
We've been impressed by designs the community has shared with us for Test of Honour. Now it is back in stock, we thought we should share some of our favourites!
Le Gaming Dude has done a superb guide - Painting Test of Honor - Part 1 - Ashigarus from the Shimazu clan
Our glorious leader recently went to Stockton-On-Tees (which is far, far away) bidding at an Airfix kit auction and picking up some lovely art..... but then he spotted this fellow.

Local Shop Activity

Warlorder Charlie Monaghan is going to be at Wargames UK this Wednesday afternoon/evening to do a live video, including an unboxing of the Opel Blitz, King Tiger Zug and Tank War British Starter Set.
Follow these links below for their facebook page and youtube channel:
You can now purchase your ticket to the Bolt Action UK Nationals Tournament which is on October 7-8 2017. This includes entry to the Derby World Wargames event.
September Events
October Events
Coming this November
In this video, The AWI Review shows you how to convert an Italian Veteran Infantryman using three of our sprues!
Terrain Tutor shows you how to make some dense foliage which would work best in jungle environments!

Coming Soon...

If you'd like to contribute an article or promote an event, please get in touch at
All Warlord Games products are available from our online store or by calling +44 (0)115 978 4495. Our products ship worldwide.

Alternatively you can be all retro and actually write to us at:

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