Haven't had much time for painting recently as I've been finishing off a book but I did get around to modelling a Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought.

This is a complicated highly posable model with a multitude of parts that move or open. Display modellers will love it but it is almost over-engineered for a wargame model. Of course, this trend is also detectable in the products currently being offered by non-wargaming kit manufacturers - especially vehicle interiors that can't actually be seen when the model is assembled.

I have read of show judges inserting fibre optic probes into models to check out the quality of painting for non-visible parts. And wargamers are supposed to be obsessives!

Anyway, the model is infinitely posable: you want it in a sumo wrestler crouch? - no problem,  an arm out shoulder high clutching a cultist? - piece of cake, doing chinups - why not?

Just for fun, here is a Primaris Dreadnought by the side of an old one.

The Primaris undoubtedly has presence on the battlefield.

It also has presence in game turns. I've given it a typical general-purpose mixed weapon load of a heavy gatling, close combat weapon, flamer, twin assault grenade launchers and an AA missile launcher with ground to ground capability.

Hellbrutes don't stand a snowball's.

Great model: recommended