Nick speaking,

Ok, so I have been hard at work on all the models I had collected for my Necron army over the last few months. Most of these are metal classics, but that's ok as I am an old school kinda guy! I had a lot of fun doing some conversion work on what I had and my plan is to batch paint the entire collection, so that once again I can have a fully painted Necron force! Right, lets have a closer look at my work...

Old Lord conversion, thought this would make a cool Destroyer Lord or Command Barge...

Lord with Void Blade, this one was Finecast so I didn't bother stripping him...

Orikan conversion from a Cryptek...

An old Immortal model, I just had one so will use him as a Relic objective marker, I have some Scarabs I will add to the base...

Thirty old Warriors. I plan on using these as Tesla Immortals, three of them were broken so I converted them to be reanimating...

Three old Destroyers that I have magnetised to their bases...

Here they are all together, plus in the bags are the five Praetorians/Lychguard that I recently magnetised. Painting this lot is going to be fun...