"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail..."

The Miss Deed box (bag actually) contains enough parts for one miniature...namely Miss Deed. It also contains a stat card for her though there are no upgrade cards.

This particular model was a bonus for spending over $100 at either the Wyrd Games stand at GenCon 2017 or through the webstore during the same period. Many such models appear in subsequent sales so if you missed it you'll probably get another chance in the future at other event sales such as Black Friday and the like...it'll still be in a bag though...

Miss Deed - Sprue
The box (okay...bag) has one sprue in it as well as the aforementioned card. Here's pictures of both sides of it...

Miss Deed - Stat Card
Wyrd Games didn't like my publishing pictures of both sides of the stat cards so you'll have to make do with this...

Should there be any assembly issues with the model then they will be listed in the appropriate section and you can view larger versions of the smaller pictures or instruction pictures by clicking on them.

Miss Deed - Instructions

Some General Notes on Assembly
Many of these models contain quite small parts so depending on how dexterous you are you might consider getting yourself some tweezers. Dry-fitting is also always a good idea in case a part needs a tiny bit of extra filing or filling as some of the fits are quite tight. Where the parts on the sprue are quite thin (chains, weapon shafts, cables and the like) then it might be better to remove parts with a sharp scalpel rather than cutters.

Miss Deed - Assembled
This model consists of only six parts. The main piece is the body to which both arms, both legs and the hat require attaching. All the limbs have more than adequate attachment points as does the hat. If you happen to put the hat on the wrong way around there's a slight gap so any mistake is relatively easy to spot. The only point of concern is the arm and hammer piece as the shaft of the hammer is very delicate so take extra care when removing it from the sprue, while handling and of course while pressing the arm into place.

Miss Deed - Comparison Picture
Here's a couple of comparison pictures between the original metal version (Left), new M2E plastic one (Right) and Miss Deed (Middle).

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
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