This is my first 40k batrep for eighth edition. I'm playing in a local league to meet other gamers here in San Diego; this was a practice game played during the past weekend. I decided to go with a single faction - Black Legion - from the new Chaos Space Marine codex, depicting their first company, Justearin terminators lead by Abbadon the Despoiler. I like the concept of playing a single faction, designing an army that fits its background. The army is very elite using the Vanguard detachment so I can field Chaos terminators for my infantry. It might not be the most competitive army out there but its relatively easy to play with some decent fire power and is very good in melee (the assault phase is still my favorite). The Legion traits for Black Legion are okay but Abbadon is what really makes this army work... the Despoiler really buffs the entire army if you keep all your units close to each other.

The mission was the new Eternal War No Mercy with First Blood, Slay the Warlord and Line Breaker for secondary objectives. Deployment was Spearhead Assault. My opponent was playing Bad Moons featuring a large squadron of Killa Kanz and a Morkanaught. He also had two large mobs of Boyz, some Gretchin, plenty of characters and some shooty ranged units such as zapp gunz and lobbaz.

Here is my army list (2000 points):

++ HQ ++
Abbadon (Warlord Trait - Unholy Fortitude)

Sorcerer in terminator armor
-Mark of Tzneetch
-Eye of Tzneetch
-Psychic Powers: Smite, Death Hex, Prescience

Eye of Tzneetch is an artefact that adds +1 to your dice rolls when attempting to cast Smite and it was very helpful this game.

++ Elites ++
Chaos Terminator Squad #1:
1. power fist & combi-bolter (Champion)
2. power fist & combi-melta
3. power fist & combi-bolter
4. power axe & heavy flamer
5. power axe & combi-melta
-Mark of Tzneetch

Chaos Terminator Squad #2:
1. pair of lightning claws (Champion)
2. power axe & combi-melta
3. power axe & combi-bolter
4. power fist & heavy flamer
5. power axe & combi-bolter
-Mark of Tzneetch

Terminator Squad #3:
1. chain fist & combi-bolter (Champion)
2. power axe & combi-bolter
3. pair of lightning claws
4. power axe & combi-bolter
5. pair of lightning claws
6. pair of lightning claws
7. pair of lightning claws
8. power fist & heavy flamer
-Mark of Tzneetch

++ Heavy Support ++
Chaos Land Raider
Chaos Land Raider

I had a total of six command points since Abbadon gives two in addition to the rest of your army (3 for battle forged army and 2 for the Vanguard detachment).

The Warmaster stepped onto the teleportation pad surrounded by his best Justearin and the mute Sorcerer Skallagrim a former Space Wolf. "Do it." said Abbadon staring at the tech adept manning the console within the hidden and well guarded bay of the Vengeful Spirit. The air blurred then each of the terminators began to glow as the warp opened first absorbing their hard black plate. Skalligrim mouthed the ward of protection to hold the teeming horde of daemons at bay. "Is there a similar spell for the green skins?" The Sorcerer smiled involuntarily then the party dematerialized... the smell of burnt brimstone filled the trapped chamber air.

I deployed the two five man Chaos terminators squads each in a Chaos Land Raider and held the rest of my army reserve to teleport onto the battlefield.

My opponent deployed his entire army with the two large mobs of Boys, Killa Kanz and Morkanaught forward right on the edge of his zone with the shooty support units and Gretchin back in the rear. We then rolled off for the first turn and my opponent won choosing to go first. I rolled to seize but failed.

1st Turn - Bad Moonz
The Ork assault units all barreled ahead bum rushing straight towards my land raiders... wow they are really fast now !!! I quickly realized I had deployed my transports too far forward... oh well it'd be krumping time that much sooner ! The Killa Kanz advanced and wouldn't be able to assault this turn.

10 wounds were dealt to my land raider on my right side during my opponent's shooting phase which he wisely focused fired. One mob of Ork boys successfully assaulted my land raider on the left side and the Morkanaught assaulted the other wounded land raider and destroyed it. The land Raider did not explode and I burned one command point to save a terminator that bailed out from the burning wreckage. FIRST BLOOD to the Bad Moonz. Note that my opponent used 2 of his 7 command points this turn (one to reroll the charge for his Morkanaught and another to reroll a hit against the wounded land raider). A great start for the greenskins but on the plus side for me his choppy units are in range now.

1st Turn - Black Legion
The squad of terminators that bailed out of the destroyed land raider moved straight towards the Boyz that assaulted the land raider and the other five man squad disembarked from the rear of the remaining land raider close to the Boyz as well. Abbadon, the Sorcerer and the third squad of terminators teleported over beside the Boyz as well so that the Despoiler's buffs were in range for effect. The land raider then left combat backing up and positioning itself to block the Morkanaught.

... Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz ... one by one each of the Justearin materialized into real space side by planet side leaving a gap wide enough for Abbadon and the mute Tzneetchian wizard. The ground rippled as a close by land raider was ripped asunder by a charging Morkonaught. More Justearin fell out of the burning wreckage stumbling to recover so close to their Warmaster. Abbadon looked up staring into the closed visor of the xenos Titan. His golden flecked eyes seemed to see straight back into the eyes of the Ork pilot giving off a sensation of pure dread. Killa Kanz nearby moved forward anticipating the hunt.

The Sorcerer cast Precscience on the terminator squad outside of Abbadon's aura range then smited down two Boyz. Shooting and a multi assault wiped out the Boyz. Note that I used another command point for second terminator squad to successfully assault into the Ork mob.

Bad Moonz - 2 VP
Black Legion - 1 VP

2nd Turn - Bad Moonz
The Bad Moonz decide caution is appropriate now as my units are out of position to assault without some major reprisal by the Black Legion. My opponent's army advances with the Killa Kanz moving into range followed by the second mob of Boyz. The Weird Boy smites three terminators from one of my five man squads and shooting kills another leaving only one remaining.

2nd Turn - Black Legion
The surviving Chaos terminator from the first squad moves forward to throw up a road block versus the menacing Killa Kanz.

The rest of the Black Legion castles up and and manage to destroy one of the killa kanz via Smite and some shooting.

3rd Turn - Bad Moonz
Again the Orks are quite hesitant, not yet quite ready to commit to a second assault... if the Morkanaught assaults the remaining land raider it will be assaulted in return by the Despoiler and the eight man squad of Chaos terminators so it opts just to shoot the tank this turn and whiffs. The Bad Moonz shooting phase is not very effective this turn but a Smite from the Weird Boy kills the lone Chaos terminator for another victory point.

3rd Turn - Black Legion
Abbadon also decides to play the waiting game as well this turn - cat and mouse back and forth for now. The squad of four Chaos terminators embark into the land raider and the transport shifts back a bit to prevent a closed hatch should the greenskins finally decide to launch another assault next turn. The remaining Chaos land raider then does manage to pop another Killa Kan bringing the squadron down to three remaining, assisted by Death Hex from the Sorcerer shutting down the force field aura from a nearby Mekk.

Bad Moonz - 3 VP
Black Legion - 1 VP

4th Turn - Bad Moonz
The game could end the next turn and the greenskins are up by only two victory points. The Killa Kanz squadron is diminishing but still a major threat as is the ever present Morkanaught. The Warboss (embarked inside the Morkanaught) finally decides to throw caution to the wind and do the Orky thing - CHARGE !!! The Killa Kanz and Morkanaught both move into assault range. The Kanz fail their charge but the Morkanaught takes out land raider in melee... the four man Chaos terminator squad disembarks with no losses (no explosion) and the Morkanaught consolidates into them. Note that the land raider wounded the big xenos walker MK on overwatch hitting twice with its lascannons, stripping a good chunk of wounds in retaliation.

4th Turn - Black Legion
The Despoiler grins... the enemy has finally taken the proverbial bait ! Abbadon moves forward to assault the Killa Kanz, the big squad of terminators move forward to assault the Morkanaught while the four man squad of Chaos terminators and the Sorcerer move forward to assault the second mob of Boyz.

Xenos klaxons sounded bleeding into the early morning air as the Morkanaught rapidly advanced closing the distance. Abbadon threw himself like a spear crashing into what remained of the kan wall. The Talon uncurled, each long razor sharp tip cutting into the cockpits gutting the screaming grots. "Now!" said the Warmaster as the xenos Titan lumbered into the last land raider. Two cannon shots hit point blank blasting apart huge chunks of armor as the Justearin hurled themselves into a living wall of Orks.

Abbadon wrecks the last of the Kanz, the big Chaos terminator squad strips some more wounds from the Morkanaught while losing three in the melee. The Sorcerer and four Chaos terminators also put a big dent into the Boyz.

Bad Moonz - 4 VP
Black Legion - 2 VP

Turn 5 - Bad Moonz
This could be the final turn... all forward units on both sides are fully committed now. The Kanz are gone but the Morkanaught is still a major threat leaving combat with the Chaos terminators and lumbers over beside the Despoiler. The Weird Boy tries to smite but is blocked by the Sorcerer Skalligrim then it's back to melee... all of the remaining Black Legion units are either already locked in melee or can't be targeted. The Morkanaught charges Abbadon... No more Morkanaught and the explosion takes out several Ork units.

The Black Legion goes ahead on victory points this turn having eliminated all major threats.

Clutch Saving Throws for the Despoiler versus Morkanaught...

End Game
The game continued for two more turns. The Orks attempted to table Black Legion with shooting but were unsuccessful... victory to Black Legion !!!

Post Game Analysis
This was a very close game right down to the very end with only Abbadon, the Sorcerer (one wound remaining) and three Chaos terminators left when it was all over and done. The fifth turn was pivotal with the close combat between Abbadon and the Morkanaught - the dice favored Chaos this time and the ensuing explosion really hurt the remaining greenskins close by the gigantic blast. It was a very fun game and that's the main thing really as it easily could have gone either way. I made the big mistake of deploying my two tanks too far forward and maybe the Orks should not have waited so long to initiate the second assault. I hope you enjoy this report... there will be more.