Warlord Games Wednesday newsletter...

We're celebrating our 10th birthday bash in a whopping 2-day extravaganza of activities, seminars and participation games. Plus you can come and join John Stallard, Rick Priestley, Paul Sawyer, Andy Chambers, Alessio Cavatore and more from the wargaming industry as they chat and share what's in the pipeline with you all. Hurry as we only have a limited amount of tickets!
Our illustrious leader provides an insight on the Engineer and his role in Black powder...
Do you know your typical historical tank platoon structures? Get to grips with your formations as the Tank War escalates!
Beasts of War unbox and take a look at the excellent MDF Airspeed Horsa Glider kit from Sarissa Precision! Perfect for any airlanding battle!
The Terrain Tutor shows you how to add battle damaged woodland to your battlefield. He looking at some simple techniques to produced burnt woodland scatter pieces for your terrain set!
Jamie Howard showcases one of his favourite army lists which also brings back memories of his service in the army! 
A clarification of ‘half’ in the Break Test conditions for casualties in gates of Antares.
Many questions still surround Batu and Baray of the Freeborn, this new PDF from Tim Bancroft reveals all...
We spotted this force being worked on by a chap in the Konflikt ’47 Facebook group – so, of course, we asked him to share it with us…
September Events
October Events
Coming this November

Coming Soon for Konflikt '47...

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