Mantic Games weekly newsletter with a Kings of War focus this time...
This week two new Kings of War monsters go on Pre-order - the indomitable Dwarf Steel Behemoth and the horrific Undead Revenant King on Undead Wyrm. We thought we'd take a look through the other large beasts in Kings of War with two Guides on the Mantic Blog!

Finally, the Mantic Open Day Tickets are now available for November, with a packed day of gaming goodness planned for all!

Steel Behemoth

These innovative fighting vehicles are powered by ingenious internal combustion engines fuelled by the black blood of the earth. Protected by thick metal plates and equipped with flame-spitting weaponry, they are a nightmare made manifest for the Dwarfs’ enemies.
This mighty Dwarven 'Monster' will be stomping onto tabletops soon. Cast as a multi-part, highly detailed resin kit, this vehicle fills up a 100mmx50mm base and comes with three crew to man the 'howdah' on its back and control the Behemoth.

Revenant King on Undead Wyrm

Wyrms are distant relations of the great drakes that inhabit the mountains of Mantica. Ferocious and tough, they adapt quickly to suit their environment, giving rise to the sea-wyrms of the Naiads, or the sand-wyrms found in the deserts of the south. Ancient human kings favoured these creatures as mighty steeds and were often buried with them, only to be resurrected to fight once again.
Nothing says being in charge like riding a massive undead predator and this Revenant King is covered in that sense. This detailed miniature is huge, mounted on a 75mm square base, and is covered in decaying flesh, exposed bones and organs and diamond-hard scales. If that wasn't enough, you can also pick up a set of equally decayed wings, so that your Wyrm can take to the sky in games of Kings of War!

Monstrous Deals

Inspired by the new monster kits, we've put together a group of bundle deals, perfect for getting started with Kings of War for the first time, or picking up a new army. The concept is simple, you get either an Army or Mega Army, a cool Monster and a FREE Kings of War Game's Edition Rulebook - all in one easy package.
You can choose from either Dwarfs (Steel Behemoth), Elves (Tree Herder), Abyssal Dwarfs (Greater Obsidian Golem), Forces of the Abyss (Archfiend) and Undead (Revenant King on Undead Wyrm). In each case, you save a small amount on purchasing this separately.

These deals are only available until the 20th October, so order yours now to avoid disappointment!

Check them out here!

Monster Wrangling

If you're not sure how to use you new monsters in games of King of War, then worry not. We've covered the basics and some specific tactics over on the Mantic Blog.
Part One of our Monster guide covers how Monsters work in general, their strengths and weaknesses and what they can bring to your game.
Part Two gives you specific uses for each of the monsters featured in the deals above, based on their stats and abilities in the game.
The Mantic Open Day is back! On the 25th November, we will be opening our doors to the public once more, for the most packed open day yet. There will be 8 hours of seminars, participation games, exclusive miniatures, a goody bag, and so much more to see and do! You can see more of what's happening on the ticket page and book your tickets today!
Book your tickets NOW!
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