Had another fairly productive week of recruiting after I appointed some trusted operatives to stop me getting distracted...

...and have therefore added Alternate versions of Nekima and a Swine-Cursed to my growing army as well as some Dead Outlaws...

...and next week plan on adding a deranged cat lady and some much needed musicians to my vast steampunk army...

...as well as having a closer look at the steampunk world of Dreamwars...

...Also this Saturday it looks like I'm going on a journey with some like-minded adventurers to see what a certain local celebrity with unusual tastes in wine has been up to...

...all in all it looks like I'm in for a busy week...

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome
Should you ever choose to purchase something based on one of my features or reviews then it would be nice if you could let the company know where the inspiration came from...who knows...they might be grateful to the poor unappreciated blogger who sent you their way...if however I've put you off a product...well...you can keep that info to yourself...