Sanguinius reached up grasping the hood and flicked it back upon his shoulders. Long shiny golden locks spilled onto his black armor, his skin pearly white and his eyes blazed like a pair of perfect sapphires. "We have come at a precise and exact moment when there is a total perigee in the warp here. You cannot summon any daemons to your aid nor would any of your children answer your call now. You are the worst of us all, corrupted by your very own insubordinates. I do not come to challenge you Lorgar, we are here but to cleanse your stain."

The Black Templars had found ingress into the tainted chapel from various breaches. Surrounding the Daemon Prince they all trained their bolters and began to fire simultaneously finding their mark collectively. "Stasis shells." said the Angel. "They are forged from the depleted core of Uranium and quenched in the blood of only the most innocents." Lorgar felt the sudden weight of the many bolters punching into his warp hardened armor. He rushed towards the front to charge but the Templars quickly shifted back precisely maintaining a closed perimeter on the very edge of rapid fire range. Sanguinius stood behind them directing the attack.

"This holy weapon is sanctioned by the Ordo Malleus and was specifically designed to return you to your previous mortal state just prior to ascension." The Blood Angel spoke calmly and without emotion carefully watching as the bolters began to puncture the warp forged armor of Lorgar, some of the more intricate outer components meticulously once so crafted started to buckle and break away. "You will die as a mortal and no dark God will intervene in your behalf."

"I thought you came to fight." shouted Lorgar over the crashing din of bolter fire.

"This is a fight indeed." Sanguinius replied. "So many died so horribly due to your weakness and treachery. You deserve no better." The sonic burst of a Thunderhawk passing overhead pierced through the crash of bolter fire. More teams of Black Templars entered the fray adding their weight of fire. Lorgar screamed in frustration charging blindly in a random direction then another. A pauldron finally cracked open. More Templars crashed forward all training their weapons on the weak point as they continued to squeeze the triggers. As the first shell finally pierced his hide Lorgar felt the very first of his daemonic essence began to bleed away back into the warp. "No!"

"This is your rich reward brother, this is what you truly deserve." Sanguinius smiled briefly then drew the Black Sword. The blade shone truer than ever before cutting into the very fabric of real space bleeding the warp. "I have taken back the bits of my sword stolen by that cur of the Black Legion and distributed to his truculent sycophants. They are all dead now, everyone one of them and they all suffered truly horrid deaths, but none as horrid as yours will be." Again the Angel smiled. "What you see before you is a relic unlike any other ever before. You have never known this level of power. Your Crozius will be cast into a black hole never to be used again in this universe."


Sanguinius stood over the wretched and broken form of Lorgar as the Black Templars watched in silence. The Angel stooped over grasping his skull, pulling the still defiant chin loose. Sanguinius then reached into a leather purse attached to his belt scooping out some sacred grey matter. "This is brain from Abbadon which you must now ingest." Sanguinius clutched Lorgar's throat hard as a vice and forcing Lorgar to choke then he shoved the grey matter down his throat. "You shall know the shame of Abbadon and then I will take your brain as well in turn collecting the death of every enemy at my hand."