Hello All,.. It's that time a year again and it looks like we are going to kick off DreadTober 2017..  If you haven't taken part before and have no idea what DreadTober is let me write out a quick history. At the Nova Open 2015 Greg and I came up with the idea of everyone working on a Dread of some type during the month and keeping track of the progress as a group event that anyone could take part in. This would promote communication and create new friends in the hobby. Joe took it over last year as Greg and I were both wrapped up with life stuff. This year we are all going to coordinate to run it again! If you are interested in participating in DreadTober hop over to the new Blog we made for it and throw your name in the hat.

DreadTober2017 <--------------- Click me 

Hopefully you'll take part and make something awesome! Greg and Joe should also start to promote as well... October is almost here.