Hi all,

thank you for your patience.
I was for a week in Portugal - in the Douro Valley and Porto - and had a lot of fun and time to recharge the batteries.


But before I left, I had time to work some more on the troopers.
Here you can see the two soldiers and the officer form the passener bay.

These soldiers wear the standard Dencara Urban Flash pattern.

The turret commander also got his first coat of paint.


He also got the Urban Flash pattern.

As did the machine gunners.

And then it was Ladies Time!

As mentioned before this is just the first pass of color. 

For the Executioner I took some more time. 


And in a second pass the coat already received some details

But it's still a long way from home ;)

And the last girl got her first color pass.

After my vacation I began  to prepare the THANATOS itself for painting. But to do so I need to finish some of the interior stuff first.
So I started with the turret.

So, what do you think?
I look forward to your feedback and suggestions.