"Play us a tune then..."

The Banjonistas box contains enough parts for three miniatures...namely the Banjonistas. It also contains stat cards for them though there are no upgrade cards.

Banjonistas - Sprue
The box has one sprue in it as well as the aforementioned cards. Here's pictures of both sides of it...

Banjonistas - Stat Cards
Wyrd Games didn't like my publishing pictures of both sides of the stat cards so you'll have to make do with this...

Should there be any assembly issues with the model then they will be listed in the appropriate section and you can view larger versions of the smaller pictures or instruction pictures by clicking on them.

Banjonistas - Instructions
I can't find any instructions for these yet but as soon as some appear I'll put them here.

Some General Notes on Assembly
Many of these models contain quite small parts so depending on how dexterous you are you might consider getting yourself some tweezers. Dry-fitting is also always a good idea in case a part needs a tiny bit of extra filing or filling as some of the fits are quite tight. Where the parts on the sprue are quite thin (chains, weapon shafts, cables and the like) then it might be better to remove parts with a sharp scalpel rather than cutters.

The models are based on the old metal Bayou Bases which are unfortunately no longer available though you may still find some on trade groups and eBay. A feature on the full range of them can be found HERE should you be interested.

Banjonista A - Assembled
The simplest of the three with only the usual spindly gremlin arms and legs as issues. The hands (well one hand actually) are already on the banjo so it's vital you check the alignment of the arms before adding any glue. There's a location point for the banjo so it's probably best to attach that first and then align the hand-less arm with that. The other arm/hand is less critical as no part of it is integral to the banjo though the fingers do wrap around the neck.

Banjonista B - Assembled
The alignment issue on this occasion is the drinking jug rather than the banjo...as usual dry-fit and check alignment of parts before gluing in place. There is a location point for the jug on the face so it's location is fairly easy to determine though be warned there is some play which can put the arm alignment out.

Banjonista C - Assembled
You'll notice some glue fume stains and some whitening where the plastic has been under tension in several places on the assembled pictures. The main reason for this is that I was unhappy with the alignment of several parts the first time around so took it apart and reassembled it...these imperfections will obviously be masked once the model is undercoated.

Obviously this has the obligatory tiny arms and legs and the pigtails attached to the head are somewhat delicate. The lower body (skirt) has a piece that slots into the bottom into which her legs are attached via small grooves. The two grooves are different shapes so you shouldn't get the feet mixed up. As mentioned earlier the arms are small but the location points are slightly different shapes to avoid mixing them up...this is good because otherwise they're identical. There's no real 'best' way to attach the banjo as the arm/hand alignment is quite critical and there's a fair bit of play where the banjo's main body aligns with the gremlins body...dry-fit and be patient are then only real advice I can give...

Banjonistas - Rotational Views
Here are rotational views of the Gremlin Banjonists.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.
Should you ever choose to purchase something based on one of my features or reviews then it would be nice if you could let the company know where the inspiration came from...who knows...they might be grateful to the poor unappreciated blogger who sent you their way...if however I've put you off a product...well...you can keep that info to yourself...