With an ever mounting pile of half-done conversions, restorations and scratch-builds, this month will see me tackle three of the main ones.

The first in line is this former Contemptor, now a relatively comvincing Deredeo Dreadnought, armed with heavy bolters, butcher cannon array and greater havoc launcher.

I fancied trying one of these out, after readoping the chaos index. As I have a ton of Contemptors now, and since they share several chassis components, it seemed fitting to modify one. The chest armour has been extended, with spaces for the heavy bolters. The cannons are two halves of a bastiom aa gun, and the greater havoc is two regular havoc launchers glued together. All weapons are magnetised so I can use other options (the Malignatas Saker looks to be a possible favourite.

Next in line is this Decimator. I've never been happy with it, and a lot of it was down to the posing: I'd made it to tall and stretched. So with a more hunched pose it is now looking much better. I also made two new arms, based on the style of ork power claws. Square tubing forms the basic shape  with L-shaped and custom cut pieces to help buils the basic shape. Various spares were added for detail.

Finally, we have the biggest model: a Minotaur. This originally started out as a legion malcador hull made from scratch,  but as I'd folded that army into my 40k thousand sons, it needed a new purpose. So with a lot more plasticard, trimmed down Baneblade sides, and a misscast fellblade cannon, I had a big, mean artillery piece to support my renegades.

I also used a few cool parts leftover from my Blood and Skulls Industry reviews. The tracks, plough and even a lighting kit all come from them, and are nice additions to the model.

I wanted the tank to look like it's been though the wars, and has several welded on panels and rushed field repairs, using whatever junk the renegades had laying around. It has orkish hints, but a much neater exdcution than those green brutes.

So, that's alot to do in a month, but I'm quetly confident it can all be finished by halloween. Stay tuned on Facebook for regular updates.