I don't generally blog on here much anymore — moved the whole operation (and then some) to http://BrinksChaosTheory.com — but I thought I'd repost my dragons here.  This was my hobby blog for a very long time, after all.


After starting them in July, I finally wrapped up my "Black Phoenix" Aeldari Fire Dragons.  And I'm pleasantly surprised at how well they turned out!

This probably doesn't look like 3 months of work.  Because it isn't.  I stuck to a very basic concept: base colors, wash, highlight, DONE.  And I decided not to get bogged down in the fine details, like painting every little gadget on their belts a different color or whatever.  Kept it simple.  It just took forever because I went weeks between painting sessions.  Still spent plenty of hours on them, but as I did a whole squad, one color at a time, I made pretty good progress.

Still didn't master dry brushing, which I seem to think would make all this way easier, but hitting the highlights very deliberately instead still worked out well.


I also considered trying to lay some green plasma looking stuff into the grills of their fusion gun muzzles to match their eyes and give the guns a cool look.  (And tie in another color to bring them together.)  It's still tempting to try, but I'm also afraid of screwing them up in the process…


It's funny that they're done now, because I swam laps yesterday and had a flashback to 2009 or 2010 when I used to think about "How am I going to paint those fire dragons?" to keep my mind occupied while I swam.  And now, like 8 years (!) later, they're done!  (Actually, I don't think I had my "dark" aspect warriors built then—it was classic Eldar dragon models at that time.)
Almost finished with my custom Fuegan.  I hollowed out a cloak for him that I have to paint and attach.  His sword I might just keep simple too rather than try to pull off some great magical effect that doesn't turn out how I want.  We'll see.