Well, this update is a bit later than I had planned and not on the subject I had wanted.  But between work being about to hit the yearly inventory and the sudden weather changes hitting me with plenty of allergy/sinus issues it's been a pain in the butt of a week or so.  So no update on the Dreadtober this time around but now that things are better on the health front and just a couple days away from getting a lot better on the work front, the Dreads are coming!

So a few weeks or so back I had made a small BattleTech purchase to get a Rommel Patton tank to finish off my Eridani Light Horse regiment.  Well the seller was from Florida but was up in East Tenn about 30 minutes away from where I live.  I got a message inviting me over to a yard sale he and where he was staying were holding to look through a lot of BattleTech stuff.  So there were 5 plastic trays of vehicles, a small box of mechs, and a pile of books.  I picked up 3 of the vehicle boxes and a few of the books for $300.  However, after setting aside a good portion to keep, I still sold or traded off the rest to make my money back which meant I had well over $100 of vehicles for free.  I'm pretty happy with how it all worked out.  So now onto the LOOT! or I guess the proper term for BattleTech would be salvage or a Brion's Cache.
So what I kept was the 5 Long Toms, 6 LRM Carriers, 2 SRM Carriers, 4 J Edgars, 4 Pegasus, 2 Packrats, 2 Skulkers, 8 Goblins, 4 Drillsons, 4 Manticores, 4 Alacorns, 4 Shreks, and then a batch of support vehicles including a number of GHQ trucks, some BattleTech Ammo Carriers, MASH Vehicles, and a Mobile Command Center.
I also traded for a trio each of Unseen Griffins and Unseen Wolverines.  I don't have any plans for any of this at the moment but I'm sure an idea will come along soon enough.  Looking for some type of combined arms reinforced battalion, perhaps mercenary rather than a house force.  Still digging around for ideas and possibilities so we'll see how it goes.
I also found what I was looking for and purchased a few HeroClix to convert to Bolt Action to join my Captain America and Union Jack to form my version of the Invaders.  There is a Human Torch figure that will just need rebased as I like the look of this model completely.  Then there is a Namor the Submariner that will need at least a wash layer, maybe another touch up or two and then rebasing as well.  And lastly while not part of the original group, or any of it's reincarnations, but I like the Black Knight too much as a character and he'll be joining the British representations on the team once he's rebased as well.  I'd also like to make it more inclusive of the other allies by including a Thor for Norway but I've yet to find a Clix version of him that I like yet.  Other members pending good ideas including perhaps even mixing universes for a representative from DC as well.

So that's where we stand and I'm looking forward to getting going again on the Dreads.  It looks like I'm going to hopefully get 5 painted by the end of the month if this weekend and coming week are as productive as the first couple weeks were.  Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you all the next go around.