With the new (and awesome) Imperial Guard Codex I decided it was time to take a hard look at my tanks. I have always been a big fan of the Guard, and of a armor heavy army in particular. So yeah, I have a lot of tanks.

Long ago I picked my camouflage pattern for my army, loosely based on a NATO pattern: dark green and dark grey. This looked good under really bright lights. On the tabletop in normal lighting it became a shadowy vehicle. So great for real-world, rather disappointing on the gaming table.
I never put in the finishing touches (shading & decals) because I was not quite happy with the paint scheme, So I just left them as they were. 

When working on a project that I am becoming unhappy with, there is always that point of choosing to abandon it for good and starting over from scratch, or figuring out a way to revitalize it. Tough call either way.

Now with the renewed interest in the Guard that 8th edition was given me, I decided it was time for a bold new look. 
I have tested out and refined the pattern over a few vehicles and I really like it. Next will be the shading with ink and/or drybushing the soften and blend the colors a bit. Then full rate re-painting for a whole lot of armor. I'll post pics of the finished product when it happens. 

Go Sling Some Paint
And May The Emperor Guide Your Brush