You may remember this post, where I outlined why I wouldn't be buying the audio book (I know a lot of people love them, painting their minis to the soundtrack of the Horus Heresy etc). But that what I'd really like is the real book...
Obviously someone in BL is listening, cause a few weeks ago, I got this:
Which is nice, and was quickly read. I like the British Museum, It's great, having almost nowt about Great Britain in it, but being full of cultural treasures from around the globe appropriated by our forefathers. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of that, I love the Assyrian/Babylonian permanent exhibit. The Shedu gates (the one on the left is a bull, the one of the right is a lion) are a particular favourite of mine and crop up in my FRPG campaign in the most impressive settings (not that the players would ever even notice).
So now the bounty that is the internet has provided something which could quite easily become a focal point in my long planned basilica. Heck, it doesn't even need to be the front door. Get a load of this:
On sale here and definitely one for the Christmas list. Possibly the only one at 75 Euro Dollars.