TJ here to wrap up Helloween 2017 with Skarbarand, the angriest Bloodthirster of them all! I tried out a new skin technique with this model, who was a fun challenge to paint with so many different textures and shapes! Let's take a look.

The skin was my real challenge. I wanted to have the dark daemon skin I had seen in some resource material, but after painting him black and drybrushing up three shades of grey, I thought he looked a little odd, so i made a mix of 1 part Nuln Oil, 1 part Purple shade (can't remember the GW name) and 1 part airbrush thinner. I then glazed the skin with it, being careful not to let it pool. It gave him the tone I was looking for and set the tone for the rest of the work I would do on the model.

Beyond that I just had fun painting his wings as broken bones, his armor as the deep red's of a former champion of Khorne, his brass ... um brassy! The wings skin is actually done with my old corrupted skin tutorial.

The base is a mix of GW basing material, milliput and sand.

I had a ton of fun painting this model and look forward to adding to my Khorne warbands in both 40k and AoS. Let me know what you think!