Quick hit this morning - After what I felt was a very productive run with the Sons of Horus, I thought I'd take a little breather and work on another project for a bit. I had started a Genestealer Cult army a while back that had sort of stalled out and as some of my fellow blogger buddies over at Confessions of a 40k Addict and St Andrews Wargaming have been doing such cool work on their own cults recently I pulled down the remaining minis to see what needed to be done, and got stuck in over the weekend!
Forty-six. Forty-six at once is TOO MANY. The painting servitor's cogitator nearly melted down from the repetition of doing all the skin tones on the remaining models, and in order to keep it functioning further work on the project will be broken down in to two somewhat-smaller batches. I'll be doing the 3rd generation hybrids as one batch of 17 and have laid in the chitin on them, after which they'll be taken to completion before I assault the final batch of 4th generation cultists. There's 29 of them, may the Emperor have mercy on me...
On the up side, once they're done the whole bloody army will be complete and I can get 'em up on the auction block! ...Which will hopefully be enough to pay for the therapy painting all of them will require me to undergo. Heh.
40k Genestealer Cult – How many is too many to batch paint?
by Mordian7th | Nov 6, 2017