So while Dreadtober was very exciting and feed into my love of Dreadnoughts, I had to take a break from them even though I still need to complete the Chaplain Dreadnought.  So it was time to get some stuff off the to do list and finish off some more armies.  I started a week of vacation when I got off work Friday afternoon so it was time to work on some hobby stuff.  I also managed to get up for Saturday Night Gaming in Johnson City for a match of Mage Knight card/board game against Murl.  It's an interesting game but after looking at some of the builds, the game could get real unbalanced depending on which is chosen.  Then I made it back up to Johnson City for a game of 8th Edition 40K against Neverness which will be discussed in another post.
I started with the BattleTech Saturday morning and then continued on into it all day Monday.  First up was the Davion Caselton Militia regiment.  I finished basing the first two Pegasus Hover Tanks.  Then the other two Pegasus were painted and based to finish the lance.  I also got the two Demolisher Heavy Tanks painted (no basing for them due to their size would hide the entire base).  This completely finishes this unit and it is in the done list.
Next up was my Eridani Light Horse.  First up I got the lone missing Rommel/Patton tank painted and based.  Then I tackled the Aerospace fighters.  6 Shilones, 4 Stukas, 4 Shologars, 2 Seydlitz, 2 Transgressors, and 2 Lucifers later my entire 21st Striker Regiment of the Eridani Light Horse is complete.  The fighters aren't based as I don't like the BattleTech bases for them and don't have an alternative that I like, but seeing as they're mainly just for show it doesn't really matter.

So that is two forces moved to the completed list to join the Ghost Bears.  Next up is getting that last battalion of the Donegal Guard done to finish off that regiment as well.  I'll be looking to tackle those Wednesday or Thursday and having them done before the week is over.  2 Companies just need to be based, 1 Company needs to be painted and then there is a command lance that is partially painted.
Then let's move on to the front of general geek stuff.  First of all, I got to see the new Thor 3 movie this past Friday night.  I'm not going to drop any spoilers, but it was very enjoyable and is in my top 3 favorite MCU movies right now along with Dr. Strange and the first Captain America movie.  I also picked up a present for myself to work onto my geek shelf of 4 Black Series Star Wars figures (Han, Leia, Luke, and Kenobi).  I've really like the look of some of the Black Series and this group is quite nicely done.

Oh, and before I forget, one of my dreadnoughts, a Leviathan no less, will be guest starring over on Cheef's blog as part of a paint exchange for a lance of BattleTech Manticore tanks.  I'm really looking forward to seeing how it comes out as he's quite a bit more talented than me with a paint brush.  Hopefully you'll all take a look over there and see how he does with it as well.  His blog is always a fun read as well so it'll be a fun adventure.

That's all for now and thanks for reading all.  I'll see you all next time!