Rob and I played Malifaux last week, our first game since quite possibly 2013, during first edition. The last two or three months, I had started looking at the second edition models and rules, and have been eager to play, bringing it to our gaming weekend. Well, I finally got a chance!

I decided to play Neverborn, as I've been building the plastic crews from Wyrd miniatures to replace my old metal ones. I actually have been basing my purchases and list building for the moment on the Building on a Budget article over at Schemes and Stones, as I wanted to get some new miniatures for a fresh start, and this gave me a cost effective way to go.

We generated our strategy and schemes a few days before the game- our strategy was Reconnoiter, where we needed to get bodies in the different corners of the map. Our schemes were A Lind in the Sand, Outflank, Frame for Murder, Assassinate, and Protect Territory. With Reconnoiter, I knew I needed some speed to ensure I could get to the various table quarters, to claim or contest them as needed. Because of that, I went with Lilith. The list I took (from the above link) was:

(1)Lilith — 7ss
+Beckon Malifaux – 1ss
+On Wings Of Darkness – 1ss
+Aether Connection – 1ss
(2)Cherub – 3ss
(3)Barbaros – 10ss
+Fears Given Form – 1ss
(4)Doppleganger – 7ss
+The Mimic’s Blessing – 1ss
(5)Terror Tot – 4ss
(6)Terror Tot – 4ss
(7)The Illuminated – 7ss
(8)The Illuminated – 7ss

I played a decent amount of Lilith in first edition, and although she has changed some, her core 'feel' certainly seems the same- lots of mobility, good defense, and can hit hard. Barbaros seems to fit much of the same role, although he has to deal with the terrain that Lilith can basically ignore.

With this list, I felt pretty confident I could do any of the schemes. I didn't want to do Frame for Murder, as I don't want to depend on my opponent to do anything, so I didn't consider that. I ended up going with Assassinate, because killing Rob's Master would be something I'd like to do anyway, and Outflank, because going to those outside board edges gives me some flexibility when dealing with the strategy.

Rob showed up, and I set up terrain, as he revealed he'd be playing with Mei Feng, an Arcanist Master who he liked a lot in first edition that could get up and get physical as well. I don't know the specific content of his list, but I know it was at a minimum Mei Feng, Kang, Emberling, 3 Rail Workers, Metal Gamin, and a Rail Golem. I don't know the upgrade loadout, however.

We flip for deployment, deploy, and get ready to go (neither of us reveal our schemes).

We took turns placing terrain, not paying much attention to its upcoming effect on the game, but one thing to note is the large forest in the middle. Because of its size and position, it ended up being a MAJOR factor in the game, as Lilith doesn't struggle with it, but Rob's forces do (I swear, it wasn't intentional).

For deployment, Rob deploys centrally, I split my forces around the big rock formation.

For Turn 1, my split forces run to the left and right, figuring that I can attack the middle as needed, and use my speed to choose how I'm going to engage the oncoming Arcanists. I start dropping some scheme markers randomly, to make it look like I might be going for Protect Territory (I don't think Rob buys it). Rob moves straight towards the middle.
End Turn 1. I get up the board quick, and drop some random scheme markers
Turn 2, I win initiative, and elect to have Rob go first so I can respond to whatever he does. For the most part, Rob moves everyone near the center, into the forest, but sends an Emberling and a Rail Worker on my side of the board. I end my turn with Lilith, who hops out, kills the Emberling, and retreats behind the building, where Rob can't get to her. Elsewhere, I push up the board to get some bodies near the middle.
End Turn 2
Turn 3, I look through my cards, read Wicked Vines, and an idea forms. I win Initiative, and attempt to enact it, and I Vine the Rail Golem, as well as a Rail Worker approaching on my right. I end Lilith's activation by clogging the far side of the board with a summoned forest, blocking Rob's charges into my Neverborn on that side. I use the Illuminated and Cherub on my right to kill the Vine'd Rail Worker.

Rob tries to determine a way to keep the Rail Golem free from Lilith's vines, and Vents Steam near it, to give me a negative flip when I try again.

End of the turn, I have bodies on every quarter, and Rob is too close to the center to get enough bodies in two quarters, giving me my first victory point.
End Turn 3
Turn 4, I cheat to get initiative (thanks to the Doppleganger), and immediately activate Lilith. I Focus, then hit him with the Wicked Vine, and nab him. Kane kills the Terror Tot near the center of the table, and I send Barbaros into Kane, dealing only two damage.
Barbaros on the attack!
Rob activates Mei Feng, attempting to figure out some way to create a push to free the Rail Golem, but fails on the attempt, and concedes, as things were definitely not going his way. Victory to Lilith!

Post-game, we talked a lot about things. The forest definitely was a tremendous challenge for him, but even so, there were a lot of things we overlooked that could've helped him. Using scrap tokens to Rail Walk with Mei Feng, and noticing that the Rail Workers are Constructs would both have helped. Also, he could've vented Steam multiple times in a turn, to make it extremely difficult for me to use the vines to stop his game plan. A few changes in upgrades may have helped as well.

Anyway, I had a blast playing, and look forward to doing so again. Rob sounds interested in trying again as well, so hopefully in two weeks we'll get it on the table again.