Ah, Necromunda, how I've missed you! I have been cautiously optimistic about the upcoming release of the updated Necromunda and while there are a few things that I find disappointing (the rules for only two of the six original house gangs being included at release being the big one), overall I'm rather liking what I'm seeing! As I recently finished off one army and made great strides on another, and with the new plastics hopefully in hand and then on the painting desk in another week or so, I didn't want to undertake a massive new project. So something Necromunda-themed it is!

Rooting around in the darker depths Closet of Doom I uncovered the old, old cache marked "Necromunda Terrain", and after blowing the dust off of it unpacked it to see what treasures lurked within. I was immediately buried under a tidal wave of the old plastic bulkheads - over 150 of 'em in point of fact! I didn't have the space to lay them all out of photos, but over the last couple days I was able to get them primered in batches and have started dabbling in various weathering and whatnot. Tried some greasy oils, some rusty patching and some dripping verdigris/slime, to varying degrees of success. Has been a hoot experimenting though! Going to do some graffiti and perhaps some posters on some of them as well - There's plenty to mess with. Really glad to hear that the Gang War book includes rules for 3D terrain, while the Zone Mortalis aspect of the sounds fun to me one of the best parts of the game was the claustrophobic blasted hivescape terrain!