Hi one and all,

More progress on the Reaver, this time with the legs.

I've glued in place the pistons and lower armour plates, I had thought after I should have done a stage by stage picture show of how I did this as its a pain! Basically the piston had a little glue added to the indent, and also into the hole where it sits, the bracket and the ankle support had glue applied. The armour piece was then positioned, with a set of tweezers used to pull the piston into place- as the piston needs to be slightly lower than intended to fit within the bracket.
Also this week I've added further washes to the knee join to make them more 'bronzed'. This will have a drybrush of bronze before a few washes of nuln oil. The joint space will be picked out with silver.
Thanks for stopping by, next week I am looking to have started with the toe pistons, and will look to have pictures of that as I go. Cheers, Lord Halfpenny.

BTW - This week its Happy Birthday to Siph!