A very happy holidays to all the readers out there, and a merry Feast of The Emperor's Ascension to one and all! With the year drawing to a close I thought it would be nice to take a look back over 2017 and see how things went. It was definitely a whirlwind of hobby activity!

January - Filled with feverish painting as the deadline for Adepticon looms. Imperial Fists ahoy!

February - Finished painting the Imperial Fists army for Adepticon, sold the Thousand Sons from the previous year (NOVA 2016) and immediately embarked on the (checks notes) fourth iteration of the force.


March - Adepticon 2017! The Imperial Fists are sold on-site, it's always nice to sell a force to someone and be able to tell them thanks in person. The Khamasiin takes shape, and the forges of Zhao Arkkad begin disgorging new Cybernetica cohorts!

 April through July - Thousand Sons overload, seriously I just wouldn't stop banging on about the scions of Magnus, but to be fair the army needed to be complete by the end of July in order to be ready for NOVA!

August - A little breather with Gencon and NOVA taking up almost all the free time. Only work of note was the Freeblade Knight Khenti-Amentiu. Fun month though!

September - 8th edition happened and I caught the NuMarine bug and built a small Blood Ravens force. Couldn't face painting more red after four straight months of it, and instead dove in on a Sons of Horus force. Of course. It's a totally understandable reaction that couldn't possibly get out of hand, right?

October - Dreadtober! More Emperor-be-damned crimson! And a whole mess of seafoam green, too!

November - The hobby ADHD kicks into high gear as the year draws to a close. More Sons of Horus, the Genestealer Cult is completed and Necromunda is released!

December - Capping the year is possibly my best work to date on Horus, and the hobby butterfly continues to flitter about with a mess of terrain, more Necromunda and out of the blue, some Harlequins!

Models completed in 2017
Imperial Fists: 47 infantry, 4 vehicles
Thousand Sons: 93 infantry, 4 vehicles
Mechanicum: 15 killer robots
Blood Ravens: 9 NuMarines
Sons of Horus: 53 infantry, 5 vehicles
Genestealer Cult: 46 infantry
Necromunda: 34 gangers
Harlequins: 6 infantry, 1 vehicle
Terrain: 8 vehicles

Total: 303 infantry, 22 vehicles - A tidy pile of completed miniatures in 2017, if I do say so myself!

Next up, looking ahead to 2018!