This is a model I have had for some time now and since it is the holidays I thought would treat my self to something special. Guilliman was easy to assemble and did not consist of too many parts. However, there were once again some effects that was a bit disturbing. I have seen others clean up the sword and remove the flames with good effect so I tried this. It turned out that it was a bit harder than I thought to get the blade smooth afterwards but it is what it is. The brazers were easier to fix as I just skipped them. I also shaved down the jawbones a bit on the head, making it look a bit less cartoonish. I am not sure that this comes across as the neck of the model is still way to broad. It also looks like it is just a mask over a metal skeleton the way the skin wraps over the neck pistons etc.
I did the paint in the same way as the rest of my smurfs, starting out with a deep blue, and adding metallic drybrushing, watered down blues and more metal drybrushing. It is a really fast way of painting and it gives a really nice finish. After this is was just to add some details etc and the main body was done. The back piece and shoulder that is a solid gold got painted separately together with the sword. For the sword I first tried a bold version but it did not look good so I went with a more traditional white metal instead.
The base was really nice to paint. A lot of detail but it worked really well with drybrushing. The fallen chaos marine got a version of pink armor that I really like. If I did not already have to many models I might be tempted to paint a squad of these.
All in all, a quick project, almost speed painting compared to my usuall pace. I hope you like my take on the imperial 40k posterboy.