Mantc finally delivered on the KS while I was away. My order was for three Tunnelers and included an extender compartment for one of them.
They are simple to construct and, as you can see from the photographs, are quite large.
The first one has been built in as the basic version. The drill heads are moveable and reveal the iris hatch when opened up.
The second Tunneler hasn't been fully glued together yet. The kits contain optional parts to have one of two Veermyn heavy weapons protruding from the hatch when the drills part. I'm considering taking the saw to one of them and converting the piece to the classic Chimera Multilaser and Heavy Bolter mounted, especially as these vehicles are for my alternate Armoured Fist for Imperial Guard.
Like number two, the third Tunneler hasn't been fully glued yet. I'm considering magnetising the connector ring piece and the vehicle rear so that I can alternate between standard and extended versions.
This one could form my Command variant with the extra space either being a command post or for transporting an attached Heavy Weapons squad. I know there is no codex option for that but hey, live a little!
Time to wait for some dry weather to see if I can get some spray painting in.