Okay guys and gals I have officially finished my first 2 models of 2018.  Here they are, a Gorehound and a Frightmare, both Warbeasts from the new-ish Grymkin faction from Privateer Press's game Hordes.  

Warmachine and Hordes has been my primary game for the last few years and since Mk3 was released in the summer of 2016 I have only played models from Warmachine factions (Cygnar, Khador, Cryx and Menoth respectively).  One of the things I want to do in 2018 is play more Hordes, which thanks to a sweet Black Friday deal that let me pickup the Grymkin starter box for 50% of the retail cost, I am able to do.  Add in that there is a Journeyman League kicking off at my local LGS this coming Tuesday (which I am running, more on that soon), the models for the next CID release I am interested in do not release until March/April, and it seemed like the perfect time to jump right in and get a list or three painted up.

More pics, hobby info, cooking experiments (I have a new Fondue Pot I need to break in soon), and other bits and bobs from my life coming soon.

Until next time...