The first weekend of the new year, and already we have a new fully fledged army, Codex: Custodes. But I'm not bothered about this, I'm more interested in the announcement of Codex: Thousand Sons. Today's post shares my thoughts on the announcement, and my hopes for the book.

No new models...Yet

Yesterday's announcement was a new codex, but apart from access to extra existing kits, no new models or characters have been announced. It is early days, and to be fair this isn't a deal breaker: the Sons kits are relatively new, and the new units copied over from Age of Sigmar/WHFB are pretty cool anyway.

More Tzaangor and Monsters

Finally, more of these bird-faced goons to add to my army. We will soon have access to Tzaangor Enlightened and the Shaman; giving the army a fast unit. We also see an interesting addition: the Mutalith Vortex Beast from the older Warriors of Chaos range. We'll have to see how good they are, but any new units are good at this stage.

Relics and stratagems

Much like the other Codexes we can expect a selection of relics and specific strategems. I suspect we'll have reworked versions of the Wrath of Magnus relics, but it would be nice to see the Burning Brand of Skalathrax make a comeback.

Psychic dreadnoughts?

Probably not, but it's nice to dream. It also would give me an excuse to buy an Osirion Dreadnought. Not that I need an excuse...

In any case I'll be glad to get my first codex for this edition, and will be doing a full review once it is out on the shelves.