Following on from last year's Hobby Goals, I thought we'd share what direction we will be going this year... and firstly, how well we fared last year! We don't really do the Resolution type thing as that is usually the path to disappointment and the dark side. But, some hobby goals to focus our HBS (Hobby Butterfly Syndrome) can't hurt - how did I do?
I started 2017 with piles - blessed huge piles... not the painful Farmer Giles type - a serious plastic and resin krak habit... I am very fortunate to have, I know many hobbyists would love to be in this situation, but I think I had a good krak at some of it - and failing miserably at some too - I'm sure these Devastators moved from the table to the desk... and nobody mention the "New Year, New Army" fail with Tau....Jan 2016)
Some quick wins, Necron Deathmarks to join their part finished squad and a start on the Goliath Necromunda Gangers, and another alternative Sister of Battle. Basically clear up the hobby desk of part finished projects before starting new ones!
Now, this pile shrank only by one box - really must address the elephant in the room - or the Warlord Titan in the room! Yes, do I make 2018 the year for completing the Warlord - its only sat half done for near on 2 years.... oh dear.... send me the encouragement I need to brave the Airbrush on this beast!
Now for the positives - my goal was to krak on with the to-do pile, and avoid adding to the pile in size - I painted a Daemon Prince, a Thanatar, a LE Chaplain, an alternative SoB, four Scyllax, an RTB01 Tactical Squad for Squaduary; a Tesserach Ark, Ghost Ark, Triarch Stalker, 5 Lychguard, 5 Praetorians, Vargard Obeyron, 15 Warriors and 5 Destroyers and a Tomb Stalker for the Necrons, one Genestealer and a Sentinel, some Craters; Space Marine Banner Bearer, RTB01 Rhino and a Spartan for Spartember and a Deredeo for Dreadtober and an old school Landspeeder for the Relictors; one Emperors Scythe Primaris Marine, 3 Plague Toads, 2 Assassins, 5 Exo Armoured Squats and finally 3 Ursarax... and had blogger buddy Nick Thrower paint some of my Daemons too!

That's not bad, shows my HBS, and totals just shy of 200 painting points! And did I achieve my goal - well I bought/received Necromunda and Dark Imperium, the Tesserach Ark (painted) and some Primaris - so goal achieved, the to-do pile is slightly smaller :)

Next year - Siph I aim to continue driving down my to-do pile, the stuff pictured above (especially the stuff on the gaming table!) and maybe take forward more progress on the Warlord! Plus get some battles in!

Lord Halfpenny achieved posting on the blog more regularly (four posts in 2016 compared to a good 50+ in 2017) and progressed the FW Reaver Titan he bought on first release, This year saw the completion of several other kits including Magnus the Red, Skarbrand, another bloodthirster and of course, Gulliman. Also repainted were Calgar, Cassius, Sicarius and Calgar's Honour Squad. The Techmarine of a jetbike was completed too - just waiting for a single 'U' transfer to be added. A quick tally up and around 115 painting points. Not bad, he'll be looking to use the tally next year as he goes.

Favourite part of the year - Completing Magnus the Red, as it was a big project and he was really happy with the result. Starting the Reaver and really getting a good way though the build/painting. And lastly, the addition of Gulliman to the force- seeing him in action vs my Necrons at Warhammer World was amazing, and of course the Guilliman Gauntlet!

Not completed was the plan to re-base his Ultramarines to new 32mm bases; finish off his vehicle using transfers or finish 2nd Company Ultramarines, however after the addition of the Primaris marines LH now has more possibilities with squad numbers etc. (Maybe he knew how the year would play out), failed to complete some Terrain; still to finish his Imperial Knights and we both failed miserably to have more actual Battles! Arrgh....

Next Year for Lord Halfpenny is to attack my Ultramarines, aiming to have them all re based, and transferred up. Also there is a load of Primaris stuff to start and Deathwatch - although this will wait until the codex is released. The Imperial Knight Banner army will be completed in 2018 with new LED fixtures and transfers. And the final project is to complete the Reaver Titan. Lord Halfpenny told me "2018 is the year of Space Marines!" whatever he meant by that!?   

6thDegree had more modest goals, start painting again, get his mojo back; and if that happens paint the Decimator; Perturabo; his 2nd Warhound Titan; some 30k Characters and an Alien 1:1 scale Face Hugger - he didn't find his mojo, did paint the Face Hugger for MonsterMarch but sparks of interest once again fly with Necromunda peeking his interest! Come back to us mate!

What are your hobby goals? Let us know in the comments if you didn't already. Its good to be in all-of-one-company :)

Cheers, and have a great Hobby Year! Siph.