Nick speaking,

2018 brings me into my ninth year of Blogging with well over one thousand posts and nearly one million views. I have enjoyed my journey over the years here on this platform, but the truth is, I feel like the Blog world is in no way near as popular as it was, and over the last few years the reward I get from all the effort of writing posts is very minimal. The interaction I get out of it is pretty much non existent, although I do have one or two people that pop a comment in for me now and again, and for that, I thank you. Now, I am not saying I am going to stop Blogging, or close my page, not at all, as I myself use it regularly to look back on certain things, but I certainly am going to have a bit of a slow down.

I have always been very strict on myself, making sure I post regularly, usually between every two, three or four days, but from now on I am just going to post now and again. I think I will probably just post finished projects rather than all the inbetween updates I have done in the past. I think this will take the pressure of me when it comes to my Blog and free up even more time for what I actually enjoy doing the most, the Hobby and running my YouTube Channel. If you would like to keep totally up to date on all the Wonders of Warhammer 40k from me then please feel free to pop over to my YouTube Channel and Subscribe: