Things go better with ZOLT!

These vending machines are from the Undertown KS from Atenociti's Workshop.

They were clean cast, as always, and came with great photo-graphics. These are a joy to paint.
 Since these are part of The Undertown they got a fair bit of weathering to represent decrepit hardware plastered with much more recent advertising. 

The two I had the most success with are the yellow and blue.  Each was sprayed with a gloss base coat and it really made the difference in the final finish.  after all the weathering and a satin top coat they had the most convincing "old drink machine" finish.
There are also a pair of "Information Vendors" basically neighborhood directories... pretty handy for densely populated zones with hit or miss infrastructure.  These are weathered as well with the info screens being a bit hazy while the adverts are in much better shape.

The model for scale is a Void Elf Hunter from Raging Heroes TGG2 KS.  I really like these models and the remaining 10 of them are in the final state of assembly... hopefully they will make an appearance in the next couple of days.

I'm getting into a big production period with a lot of different projects on the desk.  I want to trend towards fleshing out the Ynnari/Void Elf while also knocking out a several board game sets and getting to work on fantasy civilians, Nomad Jailbirds, and more! 

As always... *think* I know what will show up next... but really... I got no idea!