After months of on and off work, the Mastodon is starting to come together. I've found that a huge project like this (the biggest I've ever done) is really quite draining, but I can slowly see my insane idea to make a Mastodon using £30 worth of broken tanks and plastic sheet coming to fruition.
The main structure is done. Based loosely on the FW tank that inspired it, my main aim was to get the size right. This beast certainly looks like 40 dudes in powered armour could fit inside and get out with no problem.
The next hurdle was the exhaust system. I wanted it to look very bulky and industrial, something that could power a several-hundred ton lump of adamantium and plasteel. A pair of triple tipped exhausts and rear and side vents did the job nicely. Putty was used to blend all the pipes together.
The weapons proved to be the biggest challenge. The lascannons were fine as I can borrow them from the Typhoon when not in use, but I didn't have any whole heavy flamers, just barrels . What I did have though was a pair of sponsons from Blood and Skulls Industries. Flipped over, and with some juryrigged guns based on autocannons, they are more than suitable.
My latest job has been to start adding the hundreds of rivets to the hull. At this time I have finished the front end. This, then details, is the final build step, before I start the mammoth task of painting it.
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WIP: Homebrewed Mastodon Part Two
by Matthew Davies | Jan 21, 2018