Some kits came in today that allowed me to get cracking on the first three test models for the Wraithguard units I have planned. I knew I wanted to build something that had similar design cues to the Wraithlord from earlier, which meant figuring out how meld similar Eldar bits onto the Kurnoth Hunter bodies. After a bit of dry fitting and trimming it all came together surprisingly well!

Started off by trimming down the "collar" from the Wraithguard kit, as I knew I wanted to continue the use of the Eldar heads mated onto the Sylvan bodies akin to the Wraithlord. Similarly, the neck was trimmed down a bit to accept the collar.

The D-Cannon was carefully trimmed away from the arm, leaving the hand and hose intact. I pulled a likely-looking candidate arm from the Hunters kit and trimmed out the sword.

I found a reasonably straight left arm to match up with the D-Cannon's other fist and then did a bunch of dryfitting until I was reasonably sure all the pieces would go together (with the addition of a little greenstuff here and there of course).

All the dry-fitting and pondering over the various bits paid off, and the initial test model ended up pretty much matching the vision I had in my head, and fit together surprisingly well - Better than I had expected, for sure!

After getting my eye in on the first model, the next two virtually flew together! I do have a bit of a conundrum however - The Kurnoth Hunter models come three to a box, while the Wraithguard are squads of five. That naturally means that I am more or less obligated to make fifteen of them, right? Considering doing five each of D-Cannon, D-Scythe, and twin Wraithblade-armed models...